
(since 2008)


F. Bertini, M. Benetton and D. Montesi, Distributed Ledger and Text Watermarking for Fine-Grain Provenance Checking of Textual Content. BeyondFacts'25


P. Barakati, F. Bertini, E. Corsi, M. Gabbrielli and D. Montesi, Luxury Car Data Analysis: A Literature Review. Data


M. L. Petroni, S. Colosimo, L. Brodosi, A. Armandi, F. Bertini, D. Montesi, E. Bugianesi and G. Marchesini, Long-term follow-up of web-based and group-based behavioural intervention in NAFLD in a real world clinical setting. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
D. Beltrami, C. Barletta-Rodolfi, F. Bertini, L. Braglia, L. Calzà, M. Corbo, F. Gasparini, A. Marti, D. Montesi, M. Pisano, M.L. Rusconi, M. Sozzi, C. Tonon and E. Ghidoni, Normative data for COGITAB: An Italian tablet-based test battery conceived for the preclinical phase of Alzheimer's disease. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
F. Bertini and D. Montesi, L'Intelligenza Artificiale in sanità: il ruolo dei dati. Intelligenza Artificiale, dispositivi medici e diritto. Giappichelli Editore
S. Bottoni, A. Trombetta, F. Bertini, D. Montesi, F. Bonin, A. Pascale, M. Gleize and P. Tommasi, GASTon: a Graph-exploration system for indexing, Annotating and visualizing PubMed articles to enhance the analysis of Social deTerminants of health. HEALTHINF 2023
S. Bottoni, A. Trombetta, F. Bertini, D. Montesi, F. Bonin, A. Pascale, M. Gleize and P. Tommasi, Graph-based Tool for Exploring PubMed Knowledge Base. ICDE 2023
F. Bertini, D. Beltrami, P. Barakati, L. Calzà, E. Ghidoni and D. Montesi, A Web-based Application for Screening Alzheimer’s Disease in the Preclinical Phase. ICTS4eHealth 2023


F. Bertini, D. Allevi, G. Lutero, D. Montesi and L. Calzà, Automatic Speech Classifier for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Dementia. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare
S. G. Rizzo, M. Brucato and D. Montesi, Ranking Models for the Temporal Dimension of Text. ACM Transactions on Information Systems
F. Bertini, D. Allevi, G. Lutero, L. Calzà and D. Montesi, An automatic Alzheimer’s disease classifier based on spontaneous spoken English. Computer Speech & Language
S. Branchetti, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, Grayscale Text Watermarking. IDEAS 2022
F. Bertini, D. Allevi, G. Lutero, L. Calzà and D. Montesi, A Cross-language Dementia Classifier: a Preliminary Study. IEEE MetroXRAINE
F. Bertini, R. Sharma and D. Montesi, Are Social Networks Watermarking Us or Are We (Unawarely) Watermarking Ourself?. Journal of Imaging


R. Rouhi, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, User profiles' image clustering for digital investigations. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation
R. Rouhi, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, No Matter What Images You Share, You Can Probably Be Fingerprinted Anyway. MDPI Journal of Imaging Special Issue Image and Video Forensics


A. Fabbri, G. Marchesini, B. Benazzi, A. Morelli, D. Montesi, C. Bini and S. G. Rizzo, Stress Hyperglycemia and Mortality in Subjects With Diabetes and Sepsis. Critical Care Explorations
L. S. Leo, S. Vranić, M. Kalas, S. E. Debele, F. Bertini, J. Ommer, D. Montesi, I. Pavlova, P. Kumar and S. Di Sabatino, A Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform for NBS tackling hydro-meteorological hazards: key features and innovative aspects. EGU2020
J. Ommer, S. Vranić, L. S. Leo, M. Kalas, S. E. Debele, F. Bertini, D. Montesi, I. Pavlova, P. Kumar and S. Di Sabatino, An engine for social-ecological risk analysis and NBS recommendation to support risk mitigation management. EGU2020
G. Bergami, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, Hierarchical embedding for DAG reachability queries. IDEAS 2020
S. Vranić, M. Kalas, L. S. Leo, J. Ommer, F. Bertini, D. Montesi and S. Di Sabatino, INSPIRE in the context of Nature-Based Solutions. INSPIRE 2020
R. Rouhi, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, Shared Images and Camera Fingerprinting May Lead to Privacy Issues. Securing Social Identity in Mobile Platforms


S. E. Debele, P. Kumar, J. Sahani, B. Marti-Cardona, S.B. Mickovski, L.S. Leo, F. Porcù, F. Bertini, D. Montesi, Z. Vojinovic and S. Di Sabatino, Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological hazards: Revised concepts, classification schemes and databases. Environmental Research
S. G. Rizzo, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, Fine-grain watermarking for intellectual property protection. EURASIP Journal on Information Security
A. Fabbri, G. Marchesini, B. Benazzi, A. Morelli, D. Montesi, C. Bini and S. G. Rizzo, Old subjects with sepsis in the emergency department: trend analysis of case fatality rate. BMC Geriatrics
R. Rouhi, F. Bertini, D. Montesi, X. Lin, Y. Quan and C.-T. Li, Hybrid Clustering of Shared Images on Social Networks for Digital Forensics. IEEE ACCESS
F. Bertini, S. G. Rizzo and D. Montesi, Can Information Hiding in Social Media Posts Represent a Threat? IEEE COMPUTER
G. Bergami, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, On Approximate Nesting of Multiple Social Network Graphs: a preliminary study. IDEAS 2019
R. Rouhi, F. Bertini, D. Montesi and C.-T. Li, Social Network Forensics through Smartphones and Shared Images. IWBF2019


C. Mizzi, A. Fabbri, S. Rambaldi, F. Bertini, N. Curti, S. Sinigardi, R. Luzi, G. Venturi, M. Davide, G. Muratore, A. Vannelli and A. Bazzani, Unraveling Pedestrian Mobility on a Road Network using ICTs Data during great Tourist Events. EPJ Data Science
G. Bergami, A. Petermann and D. Montesi, THoSP: an Algorithm for Nesting Property Graphs. GRADES-NDA '18
R. Rouhi, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, A Cluster-based Approach of Smartphone Camera Fingerprint for User Profiles Resolution within Social Network. IDEAS 2018
F. Bertini, G. Bergami, D. Montesi, G. Veronese, G. Marchesini and P. Pandolfi, Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multi-Dimensional Socio-Clinical Databases. PIEEE
R. Sharma and D. Montesi, Investigating similarity of nodes’ attributes in topological based communities. WWW ’18 Companion


S. G. Rizzo, F. Bertini, D. Montesi and C. Stomeo, Text Watermarking in Social Media. ASONAM 2017
G. Bergami, M. Magnani and D. Montesi, A join operator for property graphs. GraphQ 2017 - WEB APP
S. G. Rizzo and D. Montesi, Quantification of time in Digital Libraries: Temporal Zipf's law. IDEAS 2017
S. G. Rizzo and D. Montesi, Temporal Feature Space for Text Classification. TSD 2017


D. Montesi, F. Bertini, R. Sharma, S. G. Rizzo and T. Ognibene, Digital platforms: Has the time come for competition regulation?. CCP Research Bulletin
E. Medina, D. Vega, R. Messeguer, H. Medina, S. F. Ochoa, and M. Magnani, Using Indirect Blockmodeling for Monitoring Students Roles in Collaborative Learning Networks. CSCWD 2016
F. Bertini, R. Sharma, A. Iannì and D. Montesi, Social Media Investigations Using Shared Photos. CTISRM 2016
F. Bertini, G. Bergami, D. Montesi and P. Pandolfi, Predicting frailty in elderly people using socio-clinical databases. DMMH 2016 - PROJECT & WEB APP
M. Ashcroft, M. Magnani, D. Vega, D. Montesi and L. Rossi, Multilayer analysis of online illicit marketplaces. EISIC 2016
S. G. Rizzo, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, Text Authorship Verification through Watermarking. EISIC 2016
L. Cazzoli, R. Sharma, M. Treccani and F. Lillo, A Large Scale Study to Understand the Relation between Twitter and Financial Market. ENIC 2016
E. Mollona, D. Montesi and R. Sharma, Economic and social capital: different strategies to maintain power. Analysis of lobbying structure as a form of resistance. EURAM 2016
M. Selimi, D. Vega, F. Freitag and L. Veiga, Towards Network-Aware Service Placement in Community Network Micro-Clouds. EURO-PAR 2016
S. G. Rizzo, F. Bertini and D. Montesi, Content-preserving Text Watermarking through Unicode Homoglyph Substitution. IDEAS 2016 - WEB APP
D. Vega, M. Magnani, D. Montesi, R. Meseguer and F. Freitag, A new approach to role and position detection in networks. SNAM


R. Sharma, M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Investigating the types and effects of missing data in multilayer networks. ASONAM 2015
R. Sharma, M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Understanding community patterns in large attributed social networks. ASONAM 2015
S. G. Rizzo, D. Montesi, A. Fabbri and G. Marchesini, ICD Code Retrieval: Novel Approach for Assisted Disease Classification. DILS 2015 - PROJECT & WEB APP
F. Bertini, C. Destro and D. Montesi, Balancing Calories with Smartphone. EJBI
Y. Linares Zaila, Different tools for handling geographic information retrieval problems. FDIA 2015
Y. Linares Zaila and D. Montesi, Geographic information extraction, disambiguation and ranking techniques. GIR'15
F. Bertini, R. Sharma, A. Iannì and D. Montesi, Smartphone verification and user profiles linking across social networks by camera fingerprinting. ICDF2C 2015
M. Salehi, R. Sharma, M. Marzolla, M. Magnani, P. Siyari and D. Montesi, Spreading Processes in Multilayer Networks. IEEE TNSE
F. Bertini, R. Sharma, A. Iannì and D. Montesi, Profile resolution across multilayer networks through smartphone camera fingerprint. IDEAS 2015


R. Sharma, M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Missing data in multiplex networks: a preliminary study. Complex Networks 2014
M. Brucato and D. Montesi, Metric Spaces for Temporal Information Retrieval. ECIR 2014
M. Lambertini, M. Magnani, M. Marzolla, D. Montesi and C. Paolino, Large-Scale Social Network Analysis. Large-Scale Data Analytics


V. Cozza, A. Messina, D. Montesi, L. Arietta and M. Magnani, Spatio-Temporal Keyword Queries in Social Networks. ADBIS 2013
A. Fabbri, F. Servadei, G. Marchesini, C. Bronzoni, D. Montesi and L. Arietta, Antiplatelet therapy and the outcome of subjects with intracranial injury: the Italian SIMEU study. Critical Care
M. Taddeo, A. Trombetta, D. Montesi and S. Pierantozzi, Querying data across different legal domains. IDEAS 2013
M. Magnani, D. Montesi and L. Rossi, Factors Enabling Information Propagation in a Social Network Site. The Influence of Technology on Social Network Analysis and Mining 2013
O. Streibel, L. Wißler, R. Tolksdorf and D. Montesi, Trend Template: Mining Trends With a Semi-formal Trend Model. UDM-IJCAI 2013


M. Magnani, D. Montesi and L. Rossi, Conversation retrieval for microblogging sites. Information Retrieval


M. Magnani, D. Montesi, G. Nunziante and L. Rossi, Conversation Retrieval from Twitter. ECIR 2011


M. Magnani, D. Montesi and L. Rossi, Information Propagation Analysis in a Social Network Site. ASONAM 2010
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, A Survey on Uncertainty Management in Data Integration. Data and Information Quality
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Datalog for the Web 2.0: The Case of Social Network Data Management. Datalog 2010
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Toward Conversation Retrieval. IRCDL 2010
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, US-SQL: managing uncertain schemata. SIGMOD 2010
M. Magnani, D. Montesi and L. Rossi, Friendfeed Breaking News: Death of a Public Figure. SocialCom/PASSAT 2010
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Uncertainty in Decision Tree Classifiers. SUM 2010


M. Bertoni, G. Furlini, G. Gozzoli, M. P. Landini, M. Magnani, A. Messina and D. Montesi, A Case Study on the Analysis of the Data Quality of a Large Medical Database. DEXA Workshops 2009
S. Andreozzi, P. Ciancarini, D. Montesi, R. Moretti and S. Pardi, Implementation and Performance Analysis of XMatch: a Language for Quality-based Selection of Grid Services. Grid Computing
A. Catalano, M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Modeling with BPMN and Chorda: A Top-Down, Data-Driven Methodology and Tool. ICEIS 2009
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Towards Relational Schema Uncertainty. SUM 2009


M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Management of interval probabilistic data. Acta Informatica
G. Buratti and D. Montesi, Ranking for Approximated XQuery Full-Text Queries. BNCOD 2008
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Preference-Based Uncertain Data Integration. EKAW 2008
M. Magnani and D. Montesi, Optimization of Queries over Interval Probabilistic Data. SUM 2008