ICD code it

Prototype of ICD Code it here.

What is ICD Coding

ICD Coding is the task of assigning a code from the ICD code set to a diagnosis. Once a MD (or an expert coder) has defined a diagnosis for a clinical condition, he should classify that condition under one or more ICD codes:

This process requires a great amount of human time and effort, as a result, it’s costly, tedious and prone to error. Our goal is to provide a solution that could ease the coding task while improving correctness of coding.

Code Retrieval

The ICD Code Retrieval approach combine different techniques from text mining, text categorization and information retrieval:

Soft Classification
most relevant codes are returned for manual selection.
Transfer Learning
external sources are parsed and weighted for training set expansion.
Learn to Rank
user selection is used as a relevance feedback to improve the accuracy over time.


University of Bologna website

S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna website

Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Forlì website